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Manukau City Council (Regulation of Prostitution in Specified Places) Bill — First Reading

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Sex work is recognised but not promoted as legitimate work by Work and Income New Zealand , who may not advertise vacancies in brothels or suggest people start sex work as a means of getting off a benefit. The impact of the Prostitution Reform Act on the health and safety practices of sex workers. New Zealand Ministry of Justice.

Prostitution in New Zealand - Wikipedia

Street prostitution at Hunters Corner is a major issue for the residents and business owners in Papatoetoe. Businesses complain that they have found Prostitutes Manukau City condoms in their car parks and doorways, and that human Prostitutes Manukau City has been left against the walls of their businesses. Papatoetoe is a community of good people and Prostitutes Manukau City is a pleasant place to live, yet it is dramatically dragged down by a very small minority.

But as night falls Hunters Corner is hunted by the predators of sex. The proposed law will make Papatoetoe and Manukau a safer area to live and work in. We need to protect our community and our youngsters.

When the Prostitutes Manukau City Reform Act was enacted, I doubted that anyone would have thought that street prostitution at Hunters Corner would increase so drastically. Even though this bill does not address all the issues, I support the bill at its first reading. We are aligned as a party in respect of our stand on this issue. Prominent in our thinking around any legislation to do with the sex industry is the matter of health and public safety, not just of the workers but of the greater community as a whole.

The literature tells us that people enter the industry primarily for economic reasons. Most sex workers are female, and female workers most often cited the need to pay for household expenses as well as to support their families. Ironically, it is the Prostitutes Manukau City conditions—the flexible working hours and the ability to earn money readily, at rates often exceeding the minimum hourly wage—that attract many of the participants.

Some research provided Prostitutes Manukau City the Prostitution Law Review Committee also provided some interesting ideas around how to encourage workers to exit the industry.

Transgender sex workers spoke of the lack of acceptance in society and the feeling of belonging that they got from working with people who were Prostitutes Manukau City similar to them.

Young sex workers also spoke of the feeling of acceptance and the family-like atmosphere they got from working on the streets.

So some bigger issues around the existence of the sex industry need to be tackled before one simply imposes a ban that prohibits the business, as with this particular bill. It recommended that the council, the police, residents, business owners, and sex workers work together to address the community tensions and antisocial behaviour set out by other colleagues in the House this afternoon.

It is very hard to understand why Mr Hawkins would ignore that advice and put a bill forward anyway. Even more worrying is the extent of the new authorities that Mr Hawkins is Prostitutes Manukau City to invest in the police to deal with prostitution by granting officers powers Prostitutes Manukau City arrest that would enable them to stop and search vehicles and demand that passengers state their private details, merely on suspicion of committing an offence under this Act.

We do not find favour with that. So many other things could have been done to improve the health and safety of people in Manukau City.

The outreach service, the Prostitutes Manukau City atu, is a mobile service offering information and support.

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We do not support this bill going forward. We believe that it sets an undesirable precedent in creating a local exception to the Prostitution Reform Act. Finally, we believe that those involved in the Prostitutes Manukau City industry are regulated far more effectively by family and peers than by legislation and the police. KEVIN HAGUE Green : Our caucus sometimes has debates over bills that we do not support, or that we support only in part, as to whether there is some value in allowing them to go to select committee in the hope that a better bill may emerge.

Those members believe that local communities should make Prostitutes Manukau City decisions, if this is possible without undermining the law. The majority of us, however, will oppose the bill at its first reading. The bill enables the council to re-criminalise soliciting in particular areas of its choosing. This effectively recreates exactly the imposition on the rights of sex workers that Prostitutes Manukau City under the old law, except that the penalties will be 10 times higher.

It is Prostitutes Manukau City objectionable furthermore for local authorities effectively to create criminal law. The point of the Prostitution Reform Act was to focus the law on those behaviours that can be associated with soliciting that present actual problems, such as Prostitutes Manukau City being harassed or intimidated, offensive signage or behaviour, or used condoms left in public places.

There are solutions and remedies for all of those behaviours.

Manukau City Council (Regulation of Prostitution in Specified Places) Bill - New Zealand Parliament Prostitutes Manukau City · Phone numbers of. The option of moving prostitutes on from south Auckland hotspots Parliament voted to send the Manukau City Council (Control of.

Rather than the moral objections that some people have about prostitution, this principle is being reversed by the bill that stands before us today. Those concerns were that marginalised, desperate, and vulnerable members of our Prostitutes Manukau City who end up street-based soliciting in places such as Hunters Corner are easier to reach out to with services and with information if they are not doubly victimised and hiding from criminal sanctions such as those again proposed in this bill.

Street-based soliciting at Hunters Corner is hardly a new phenomenon. The arguments being made tonight in favour of this bill were considered and rejected at that time and then considered and rejected again in by the Local Government and Environment Committee and by Parliament.

Then in the Prostitution Law Review Committee visited the areas that the council was concerned about, discussed the issues broadly, and heard from the police that they were more concerned about family violence and abuse of alcohol in these areas. The review committee again rejected the arguments advanced by the council, endorsing the recommendation made by the select committee.

In the crime prevention unit of the Ministry of Justice undertook another comprehensive review of the specific issues addressed by the bill, published under the title Review of street-based prostitution in Manukau City. Again the review concluded—as have all reviews—that localised measures for working with sex workers and non-governmental organisations were a more productive way to address any actual problems being experienced and that legislative approaches were unlikely to be effective and were quite likely to create fresh problems.

In summary, this bill intends to unwind the intent Prostitutes Manukau City the original Act. It is constitutionally repugnant, has been considered frequently and in great depth, and is both extremely unlikely to achieve its intent and likely to further marginalise some of the most vulnerable members in our entire society.

I do not support it going any further. Street prostitution can be dangerous. Often in this House we pass legislation with good intentions, sometimes not knowing its effects on, or ramifications for, Prostitutes Manukau City people whom we seek to serve. Since the legalisation of prostitution, the residents of Hunters Corner in Papatoetoe have never been the same. I can tell Prostitutes Manukau City House that some traumatic incidents have occurred over the years since the legalisation of prostitution—and out of the public eye.

As the local member for both areas, I am continually reminded by concerned citizens about the state of Hunters Corner when daylight resumes each day, with faeces, condoms, vomit, and drug paraphernalia left in shop doorways, and residents woken by actions that concern all and sundry.

This evening I stand with and for the people of my electorate, and I will vote to support the Manukau City Council Regulation of Prostitution in Specified Places Bill going to a select committee at its first reading. The bill is not opposed to prostitution—only to where it is carried out. It can be a dangerous environment in which to work.

The New Zealand Prostitutes Collective also provides community drop-in centres and outreach services throughout Prostitutes Manukau City Zealand where prostitutes can access a range of occupational health and safety support services, including sexual health advice, the use of health clinics, and needle exchange programmes.

Peer education and support are also provided on a range of issues concerning the Prostitutes Manukau City, safety, and welfare of sex workers.

I emphasise again, as both of my colleagues have done this evening, that this bill is not about eliminating prostitution or revising the Prostitution Reform Act, which was passed in No, it is Prostitutes Manukau City where prostitution is carried out. The business of prostitution in private premises carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Prostitution Reform Prostitutes Manukau City will not be affected.

We recognise that there is a problem. I have campaigned continuously for Hunters Corner in Prostitutes Manukau City to be cleaned up. They advised that neither of them had the power to do anything about it, because no crimes were being committed. This proposed legislation allows local businesses and residents to object to prostitution taking place on our streets, where it causes nuisance or serious offence to members of the public. It will have no impact whatsoever on brothels or smaller owner-operated brothels.

The bill allows for an assessment of the impact of street prostitution in specific public places in Manukau City. Tihei mauri ora! I am proud to be the National MP based in Manurewa, which is a vibrant and diverse community, full of hard-working families ambitious for themselves and for their children.

Street prostitution, as my colleague Mr Ross Robertson observed, is a dangerous occupation Prostitutes Manukau City its practitioners. It impacts negatively on our community, and it has proved to be an intractable problem in our community for a number of years. This bill will authorise the Manukau City Council to make bylaws that will designate specific public places within the boundaries of Manukau City where no person is permitted to conduct the business of prostitution or to supply or receive any commercial sexual services.

The Government, the Manukau City Council, and local business associations have effected huge improvements in our local Manurewa town centre over the last couple of years. The activities of prostitutes plying their trade in public spaces, such as Manurewa town centre and also the Hunters Corner area of Papatoetoe, significantly detract from Prostitutes Manukau City civic amenity and impact negatively on community pride.

Householders and businesses often have to deal with the unsavoury aftermath. Syringes that litter the ground and other debris are not the welcome mat to Prostitutes Manukau City that this community wants. I stand for a safer community. I stand for a Manurewa where our young people are encouraged to unlock the treasure trove of potential that lies within them all, a Manurewa where our young people are drenched with exhilaration at the opportunities available to them.

I commend Prostitutes Manukau City bill to the House, and I support its referral to a select committee. I thank all the people in the House who have spoken today from whatever point of view, because I believe that addressing that issue is very important. When we have legislation that deals with local problems, then I think a bit of passion comes out. I have had people, over the course of time, tell me that instead of picking on the prostitutes, we should pick on the men who use them, and arrest those men.

That Prostitutes Manukau City not a bad Prostitutes Manukau City. What has he done? Nothing—not a thing. However, I say the real tragedy about all of this is that under-age young girls are involved in prostitution. Of course, they cannot work in brothels until they are 18, so they are exposed to street prostitution. When the original reform Prostitutes Manukau City came through Parliament, no one thought of that.

Now we are trying to use band-aids to cover up problems that we did not foresee. I think that is a pity. We have had people murdered on the streets.

Prostitutes have been murdered, which shows what a dangerous life it is to be on the streets. When we analyse what is happening, we hear a council, Manukau City Council, asking for help. The community that Manukau City Council represents is asking for help. Perhaps the real answer is to go back Prostitutes Manukau City redo the Prostitution Reform Act, but I do not see many people who want to do that.

The defence of "reasonableness" has been removed, but sex workers appearing under age may be asked by police to provide proof of age.

Perhaps that is what the answer really is—to go back to the Prostitutes Manukau City. But people will not like to do that, because last time the legislation passed by one vote, and it was a real test for people. To try, in an election year, to amend or change the Prostitution Reform Act is the real measure.

The Massage Parlours Act effectively allowed indoor commercial sex under a facade.

People who have electorates and party Prostitutes Manukau City know what the problems are. People come to Prostitutes Manukau City us.

People from the churches come to see us. People from the schools come to see us, because they do not like kids to walk on their way to school through vomit left by undesirables who mix alcohol and prostitution.

It is unseemly and, of course, it just does not make a town come right. I know that that is what my colleague Ross Robertson really wants to see happen in Hunters Corner, where there is a big problem.

Ross Robertson is a person who keeps on going and going—a wee bit like the battery.

The result was a surprise, as most commentators had expected the bill to fail.

He never runs out; he keeps on going. That is really important, because if one does not keep on going—[ Interruption ].

Manukau City Council (Regulation of Prostitution in Specified Places) Bill - Second reading - Part 1

I imagine that the present Government will not change that Act, but I thank its members for their support tonight. This bill provides a mechanism whereby, once again, a problem can be highlighted and a select committee can look at it.

When the bill goes to the Local Government and Environment Committee, the committee can do some real, good work. The police have not been actively involved with this bill. They said they did not have the staff, but now that they have the staff they are still not interested.

Addressing Prostitutes Manukau City issue is too hard for them, and it appears to be too hard for Prostitutes Manukau City of the political parties represented in this House. I request that a personal vote be taken.

A personal vote will be held. Search Advanced Search Search. Search Search. For more information about tours and visiting Parliament, click here. Prostitutes Manukau City

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The House next Prostitutes Manukau City on Tuesday, 19 October Listen There is no current live audio feed. Transcript Video Related Documents. H V Ross Robertson : She wrings her hands. Hon Tau Henare : You had 9 years. That is really Prostitutes Manukau City, because if one does not keep on going—[ Interruption ] Ideally, we should go back to the Prostitution Reform Act and change it.

Simon Bridges : That was your party.

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Other customers complained their husbands and partners were constantly accosted, she says. Street workers headache. Other shopkeepers along Maich Rd say they've just learnt to put up with prostitutes. Councillors are concerned about the introduction of under-age children into prostitution and Prostitutes Manukau City link between it and drug and gang-related activities.

The option of moving prostitutes on from south Auckland hotspots Parliament voted to send the Manukau City Council (Control of. Manukau City Council (Regulation of Prostitution in Specified Places) Bill - New Zealand Parliament Prostitutes Manukau City · Phone numbers of.

The number of prostitutes has dropped notably during the day in the weeks since Lace and Craft moved from the suburb, Manukau says. Customers began to avoid her shop, Ms Maxey says. Manukau is stepping up its fight against street prostitution. Prostitutes Prostitutes Manukau City also urges shop owners to talk to their business association or approach Prostitutes Manukau City collective.

Councillors are concerned Manukau the introduction of City children into prostitution and the Manukau between it and City and gang-related activities.

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Manukau City Council (Regulation of Prostitution in Specified Places) Bill
The Manukau City Council (Control of Street Prostitution) Bill passes its first reading and is referred to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee. The option of moving prostitutes on from south Auckland hotspots Parliament voted to send the Manukau City Council (Control of. A private Bill, the Manukau City Council (Control of Street Prostitution) Bill , led to hearings before a.
Bill information
Of Prostitutes Manukau City, that is what is really important: saying to councils that we will support them in their battle against street prostitution. It then proceeded to select committee Justice and Electoral[18] which received submissions and heard 66 submissions, amending and reporting in favour of the Bill on 29 Novemberfollowing the electionthe bill now being referred to as Bill I have campaigned continuously for Hunters Corner in Papatoetoe to be cleaned up. Throughout this period there see more a severe gender imbalance in the settler population and women were in short supply. Young people under 18 were still classed as offenders after this came into force, until the passage of the Prostitution Reform Act Prostitutes Manukau City Moving prostitutes to commercial areas would cause less disruption for residents, he says.

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Manukau City, Auckland, New Zealand Latitude: -, Longitude: 3620.218740473

Despite it being illegal see Attorney General's opinion on the New Zealand Bill of Rights to discriminate against individuals on the basis of gender Prostitutes Manukau City within New Zealand, the transgender community often finds that many of its younger members require survival sex for food, shelter and rest. Scoop News Press release. When kids on their way to school see that, they are annoyed.

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